Hivi Technology

Master the Web: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript Online

Html,CSS & JavaScript Online Training

HTML,CSS & JavaScript Module

Course Title: Introduction to HTML


Module 1: Understanding HTML Basics

  • Overview of HTML
  • Structure of an HTML document
  • Basic tags: <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>
  • Text formatting tags: <h1> to <h6>, <p>, <strong>, <em>, <br>, <hr>
  • Creating lists: <ul>, <ol>, <li>
  • Adding links: <a> tag and its attributes
  • Creating images: <img> tag and its attributes


Module 2: Working with Forms and Input

  • Introduction to forms
  • Form structure: <form> tag and its attributes
  • Text input fields: <input type="text">
  • Password fields: <input type="password">
  • Checkboxes and radio buttons: <input type="checkbox">, <input type="radio">
  • Dropdown menus: <select> and <option> tags
  • Submit buttons: <input type="submit">
  • Handling form submissions: <form> attributes


Module 3: Styling with CSS

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Inline, internal, and external CSS
  • Selectors and properties
  • Text styling: font-family, font-size, font-weight, text-align
  • Color and background properties
  • Box model: margin, padding, border
  • Positioning elements: static, relative, absolute
  • CSS Flexbox and Grid basics


Module 4: Embedding Multimedia and Advanced Elements

  • Embedding videos: <video> tag and its attributes
  • Embedding audio: <audio> tag and its attributes
  • Creating tables: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>
  • Introduction to semantic HTML: <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <section>
  • Using iframes: <iframe> tag and its attributes


Module 5: Responsive Design and Accessibility

  • Understanding responsive web design
  • Media queries and viewport meta tag
  • Mobile-first design principles
  • Introduction to accessibility and its importance
  • Semantic HTML for accessibility
  • ARIA roles and attributes
  • Testing for accessibility using tools like Lighthouse or axe
Course Title: Mastering CSS: From Basics to Advanced Techniques


Module 1: Introduction to CSS

  • Understanding the role of CSS in web development
  • Inline, internal, and external CSS
  • Selectors: type, class, ID, descendant, pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements
  • CSS syntax and basic rules
  • Introduction to the box model: margin, border, padding, content


Module 2: Text Styling and Formatting

  • Font properties: font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style
  • Text alignment and decoration
  • Line height and letter spacing
  • Styling links: link, visited, hover, active states
  • Creating text shadows and effects


Module 3: Working with Colors and Backgrounds

  • Color representation: named colors, hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA
  • Background properties: background-color, background-image, background-repeat, background-position, background-attachment
  • Gradient backgrounds
  • Using background-size and background-clip
  • CSS3 background effects: gradients, patterns, images


Module 4: Box Model and Layout Techniques

  • Box model fundamentals: margin, border, padding, content
  • Box sizing: content-box vs. border-box
  • Display property: block, inline, inline-block, none
  • Positioning elements: static, relative, absolute, fixed
  • Floats and clearing floats
  • Understanding CSS Flexbox and its properties
  • Introduction to CSS Grid layout


Module 5: Responsive Design and Media Queries

  • Introduction to responsive web design principles
  • Media queries syntax and usage
  • Implementing fluid layouts with percentage widths
  • Using viewport meta tag
  • CSS units: em, rem, vw, vh
  • Designing for different devices and screen sizes
  • Testing and debugging responsive layouts


Module 6: CSS Transitions and Animations

  • CSS transitions: properties, duration, timing functions
  • Implementing simple hover effects with transitions
  • CSS animations: keyframes, animation properties
  • Creating complex animations and effects
  • Controlling animation iteration and direction
  • Using CSS animations for UI enhancements


Module 7: Advanced CSS Techniques

  • CSS preprocessors: Sass or Less introduction
  • CSS frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation, or Tailwind CSS overview
  • Customizing and extending CSS frameworks
  • Creating custom CSS libraries and utilities
  • Optimizing CSS for performance: minification, concatenation, code splitting
  • Working with vendor prefixes and browser compatibility
Course Title: Comprehensive JavaScript Fundamentals


Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript

  • Overview of JavaScript and its importance in web development
  • History and evolution of JavaScript
  • Setting up a development environment: text editors, browsers, developer tools
  • Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code
  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control flow: if statements, loops, switch statements


Module 2: Functions and Scope

  • Understanding functions in JavaScript
  • Function declaration vs. function expression
  • Function parameters and return values
  • Scope and scope chain in JavaScript
  • Closures and their practical applications
  • Function hoisting and its implications


Module 3: Arrays and Objects

  • Working with arrays: creation, manipulation, iteration
  • Array methods: push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, slice, map, filter, reduce
  • Introduction to objects and object literals
  • Accessing and manipulating object properties
  • Object methods and prototypes
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) basics


Module 4: DOM Manipulation

  • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Selecting and manipulating DOM elements using selectors
  • Modifying element content, attributes, and styles
  • Adding and removing elements dynamically
  • Handling DOM events: click, mouseover, keypress, etc.
  • Event delegation and propagation


Module 5: Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Understanding asynchronous programming concepts
  • setTimeout and setInterval functions
  • Working with callbacks
  • Promises: creation, chaining, error handling
  • Introduction to async/await syntax
  • Fetch API for making HTTP requests


Module 6: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Common JavaScript errors and debugging techniques
  • Using browser developer tools for debugging
  • Error handling with try…catch blocks
  • Debugging asynchronous code
  • Best practices for debugging and error handling


Module 7: ES6+ Features

  • Overview of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) features
  • Let and const declarations
  • Arrow functions and their advantages
  • Template literals
  • Destructuring assignment
  • Spread and rest operators
  • Modules: import and export syntax
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