Hivi Technology

Start to Learn PCB Design with Cadence Tool

Cadence Tool Module

Course Title: Mastering PCB Design with Cadence Software


Module 1: Introduction to PCB Design

  • Overview of PCB design and its importance in electronics
  • Introduction to Cadence PCB design software suite
  • Understanding the PCB design process: schematic capture, layout design, simulation, fabrication, and assembly
  • Exploring different types of PCBs and their applications
  • Setting up a PCB design project in Cadence software


Module 2: Schematic Capture with Cadence Allegro

  • Introduction to schematic capture in Cadence Allegro
  • Creating and editing schematic symbols
  • Building schematic sheets and hierarchical designs
  • Connecting components using nets and buses
  • Annotation and design validation
  • Generating netlists for PCB layout


Module 3: PCB Layout Design

  • Overview of PCB layout design process
  • Understanding PCB design constraints: electrical, mechanical, and manufacturability
  • Setting up the PCB layout environment in Cadence Allegro
  • Placing components on the board and arranging them for optimal routing
  • Routing traces and signal integrity considerations
  • Implementing power and ground planes for better signal integrity and EMI/EMC performance


Module 4: Signal Integrity Analysis

  • Introduction to signal integrity (SI) analysis in PCB design
  • Performing pre-layout SI analysis to identify potential signal integrity issues
  • Post-layout SI analysis and simulation techniques
  • Analyzing and optimizing transmission line characteristics
  • Addressing signal integrity problems such as reflections, crosstalk, and impedance mismatch
  • Using Cadence tools for SI analysis and simulation


Module 5: Thermal Analysis and Management

  • Understanding thermal management in PCB design
  • Performing thermal analysis to predict and mitigate temperature-related issues
  • Placement and routing techniques for thermal optimization
  • Incorporating thermal vias and heat sinks in the design
  • Using Cadence tools for thermal analysis and management


Module 6: Design for Manufacturability (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA)

  • Overview of DFM and DFA principles in PCB design
  • Identifying and addressing DFM and DFA issues early in the design process
  • Designing for optimal manufacturability and assembly efficiency
  • Design rule checks (DRC) and design for test (DFT) considerations
  • Using Cadence tools for DFM and DFA analysis


Module 7: Advanced PCB Design Techniques

  • Advanced routing techniques: differential pairs, high-speed signals, controlled impedance routing
  • Implementing multi-layer PCB stackups for complex designs
  • Designing for high-frequency applications and RF considerations
  • Incorporating advanced design features such as blind/buried vias, microvias, and flex-rigid boards
  • Exploring advanced features and capabilities of Cadence Allegro for complex PCB designs


Module 8: Collaboration and Documentation

  • Collaborative PCB design workflows with team members and stakeholders
  • Generating fabrication and assembly documentation: Gerber files, assembly drawings, bill of materials (BOM)
  • Exporting design data for manufacturing and assembly processes
  • Version control and revision management in Cadence software
  • 1 Month
  • Weekdays : Mon to Fri ( 1hr/day )
  • Weekend: 2hrs/day
  • Flexible Time
  • Free Session Videos
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Lifetime Customer Support
  • Helping to Get a Job
  • Resume Preparation
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