Hivi Technology

Learn Apex Developer with Our Online Training

Apex Developer Module

Course Module: Apex Developer Training


Module 1: Introduction to Salesforce and Apex

  • Overview of Salesforce Platform and its Components
  • Introduction to Apex Programming Language
  • Setting Up Salesforce Development Environment
  • Exploring Salesforce Developer Console and IDE Options


Module 2: Apex Basics

  • Apex Syntax and Structure
  • Variables, Data Types, and Constants
  • Operators and Expressions in Apex
  • Control Flow Statements: if, else, switch, loops


Module 3: Apex Classes and Objects

  • Creating Apex Classes and Methods
  • Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
  • Working with Objects and Instances in Apex
  • Using Access Modifiers and Encapsulation


Module 4: Apex Triggers

  • Introduction to Apex Triggers
  • Writing and Deploying Triggers in Salesforce
  • Trigger Context Variables and Trigger Events
  • Best Practices for Writing Triggers


Module 5: Apex DML Operations

  • Performing Data Manipulation Language (DML) Operations
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting, and Undeleting Records
  • Handling Exceptions in DML Operations
  • Using Database Methods for DML Operations


Module 6: SOQL and SOSL Queries

  • Writing Select Queries in Apex using SOQL
  • Filtering, Sorting, and Limiting Results
  • Understanding Relationship Queries and Subqueries
  • Searching Records using SOSL Queries


Module 7: Apex Test Framework

  • Introduction to Apex Test Framework
  • Writing Unit Tests for Apex Classes and Triggers
  • Best Practices for Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Debugging and Analyzing Test Results


Module 8: Apex Integration and Callouts

  • Integrating External Systems with Apex
  • Making Callouts to External Web Services
  • Handling Asynchronous Callouts and Callbacks
  • Implementing Bulk API Integration


Module 9: Apex Governor Limits and Performance Optimization

  • Understanding Salesforce Governor Limits
  • Strategies for Optimizing Apex Code Performance
  • Writing Efficient and Scalable Code
  • Monitoring and Analyzing Apex Execution Limits


Module 10: Advanced Apex Concepts

  • Batch Apex for Processing Large Data Sets
  • Scheduled Apex for Automating Processes
  • Apex Email Services for Inbound Email Handling
  • Developing Custom REST and SOAP Web Services in Apex


Each module will include hands-on exercises, projects, and assessments to reinforce learning and practical application of Apex development concepts in the Salesforce platform.

  • 2 Month
  • Weekdays : Mon to Fri ( 1hr/day )
  • Weekend: 2hrs/day
  • Flexible Time
  • Free Session Videos
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Lifetime Customer Support
  • Helping to Get a Job
  • Resume Preparation

Lightning Concepts

Course Module: Salesforce Lightning Development

Module 1: Introduction to Salesforce Lightning

  • Overview of Salesforce Lightning Experience
  • Understanding Lightning Components and Architecture
  • Setting Up Salesforce Lightning Development Environment
  • Exploring Lightning App Builder and Component Library

Module 2: Lightning Component Basics

  • Introduction to Lightning Components
  • Anatomy of a Lightning Component: Markup, Controller, Helper
  • Creating Your First Lightning Component
  • Implementing Data Binding and Event Handling

Module 3: Lightning Component Framework

  • Working with Lightning Component Bundle: Component, Controller, Helper, Style
  • Using Lightning Design System (SLDS) for Styling
  • Incorporating External JavaScript Libraries
  • Building Reusable Components with Lightning Base Components

Module 4: Lightning Component Events

  • Introduction to Component Events and Application Events
  • Defining and Handling Component Events
  • Communicating Between Lightning Components
  • Handling Asynchronous Events with Lightning Events

Module 5: Apex Controllers for Lightning Components

  • Understanding Apex Controllers in Lightning Components
  • Writing Server-Side Controller Methods
  • Invoking Apex Methods from Lightning Components
  • Using Apex Annotations and Governor Limits

Module 6: Lightning Data Services

  • Introduction to Lightning Data Services (LDS)
  • Implementing Data Access with Lightning Data Service
  • Caching Data and Optimizing Performance
  • Handling Record-Level and Field-Level Permissions

Module 7: Lightning App Development

  • Designing Lightning Apps and Pages
  • Building Custom Lightning App Pages
  • Configuring Lightning App Navigation
  • Implementing Lightning Record Pages and Page Layouts

Module 8: Lightning Component Lifecycle and Performance Optimization

  • Understanding the Lightning Component Lifecycle
  • Optimizing Lightning Component Performance
  • Minimizing Component Rendering and Data Loading
  • Handling Large Data Sets and Lazy Loading Techniques

Module 9: Lightning Web Components (LWC)

  • Introduction to Lightning Web Components (LWC)
  • Creating and Deploying Lightning Web Components
  • Interacting with Lightning Data Service in LWC
  • Migrating from Aura Components to Lightning Web Components

Module 10: Advanced Lightning Development Concepts

  • Implementing Lightning Flow Components
  • Building Interactive Dashboards with Lightning Dashboard Components
  • Working with External Data Sources and APIs
  • Extending Salesforce with Custom Lightning Components

Each module will include hands-on exercises, projects, and assessments to reinforce learning and practical application of Salesforce Lightning development concepts.

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